The strong voice of a great community
September, October, 2006

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Dear Yahoo Board Members,


On behalf of the following Hellenic Associations, we are writing to express our profound disappointment that your company is hosting a recent Travelocity add, which represents the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (The FYROM), as Macedonia:;




This webpage only offers blatant misinformation, lies, and obvious political objectives. There are volumes of historical evidence that the inhabitants of Ancient Macedonia, much as the peoples of Attica, Ionia, Peloponnesus, Epirus, Thessaly, etc were the peoples that comprised the ancient Greek world, and were exactly that, Greek. 


Travelocity received a multitude of protesting letters from individuals who care about the true historic facts and oppose the falsification of Hellenic history which emanates from Greece’s northern neighbor and thus removed the offensive add from its domain. Now we are asking Yahoo travel to remove immediately this provoking webpage from its site.


Be aware that you are participating in a campaign that borders on the dissemination of hatred and the denial of universally recognized rights of identity and cultural sovereignty.


The true descendants of ancient Macedonia are the Greeks, who have always, and to this date, still live, in the northern Greek province of Macedonia. Furthermore, all of Alexander the Great’s lands, including their capital, Pella, are squarely and rightfully well within Greek borders.


The extend of Richard Bangs “efforts” is reason for great concern amongst the Greek communities in North America and beyond. Everyone who WAS pleased with your company’s services will certainly be informed about this “campaign”. We assure you every Greek will inform his/her friends, associates and co-workers.


With this letter we formally request that you desist from engaging in state sponsored irredentism and propaganda and stop hosting the Richard Bangs web/blog advertising campaign. We expect a positive response, which can be sent to by Tuesday September 5, 2006. If there is no response, we regret to say, but all the following Hellenic Associations will advise their members about your misrepresentation of our History.


An apology to over twenty million Greek people the world over would be warranted as well.




Pan-Macedonian Association of USA – Panos D. Spiliakos, Supreme President: ,  14th Ave., Whitestone, NY 11357-1730

Pan-Macedonian Association of Canada – Haralampos Moutoussidis-President: ,

Pan-Macedonian Association of Australia-Demitris Minas, President: 470 Queens Pde

Pan-Macedonian Association of Europe-Archimandrite, Dr. Panteleimon Tsorbatzoglou, President:

Macedonian Chapter of Africa-Gregory Garitsis, President

Hellenic Electronic Center:

Hellenic American National Council, Theodore Spyropoulos, President:

Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) Chris Tomaras, Vice President of SAE (North and South America): 

American Hellenic Institute (AHI)-Eugene Rossidis, President:
Hellenic Federation of Northern California-President Ted Laliotis: ,

The Nexus, encompassing the:- MACEDONIA NEXUS - MAKEDONIA THE GLOBAL IDENTITY OF HELLENES,  - Hellenic Advancement Council,  - Australian Citizens Committee for Civil Concerns,  - Saint Nicholas Australian Settlement Union (New South Wales Premier’s Community Award, March 2003),  - Hellenic Community Care Committee,   - Australian Hellenes & Europe Nexus,  - Socio-educational Society of the Former Athenaeum Communiversity (Australia’s Bicentennial Endorsed Activity Certificate, awarded 1988),  - Hellenic Genocides, Genocides Cultural, Criminal Holocausts, International,  - Justice Nexus for Cyprus,  - Britons Australia & UK Nexus,  - Hellenes (Suezians, Aegyptiots, UnLtd) Sydney,  - Sydney Hellenic Orthodox Nexus for Scouts & Guides,  - and other community nexuses

C/- 49A Tramway Street, Rosebery, New South Wales, Australia 2018 9667 3045.

George Reganis, President of American Hellenic Congress-Northville Twp, MI

Dr. Dimitri Pallas, President- Foundation for Modern Greek Studies, Northville Twp, MI

George Reganis, President of Federation of Sterea Hellas US and Canda-Broomfield Hills, MI