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March, 2011

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  Helping Ontario Newcomers Hurt By Recent Federal Cuts

McGuinty Government Stepping In To Support Hardest-Hit Settlement Agencies


February 24, 2011

Ontario is taking action after recent federal cuts to services that help new Canadians integrate, train, work or start their own business creating new jobs and contribute to the economy.

The province will provide one-time funding to assist community organizations hardest hit by the federal cuts. This support will ensure that thousands of newcomers can continue to access settlement services and better-integrate, while agencies develop alternative, long-term plans.

Recently, the federal government decided to cut $44 million in funding to Ontario community agencies - leaving some agencies to face layoffs, program cuts or closure.

Ontario is committed to helping newcomers settle, find work, contribute to the economy and build a stronger and more competitive province. Attracting skilled newcomers and ensuring they receive the support they need to succeed is part of the Open Ontario plan.


“Cutting support to help people get settled, find work and contribute to the economy couldn’t have come at a worse time. Ontario is stepping in where the federal government has failed yet again. The federal government should be working with us to support new Canadians, to help find work or start their own business and create more new jobs that help our economy grow stronger.”

- Dr. Eric Hoskins, Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.


�� Ontario will invest up to $500,000 to stabilize services, such as settlement and job-search assistance.

�� In 2010, newcomers to Ontario totalled 118,116, more than the Western and Atlantic provinces combined.

�� Ontario is in the midst of negotiating a new Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement with the federal government.

�� The federal government has also withheld $207 million owed to Ontario agencies under the Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement – funding that was supposed to provide services like language and skills training to new Canadians in order to find work and contribute to our economy.


Newcomer Settlement Services in Ontario

Ontario’s negotiation for a new COIA