The strong voice of a great community
March, 2009

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Chicago, Tuesday, March 24, 2009


A Message from Theodore Spyropoulos SAE USA Regional Coordinator on the Anniversary of Greek Independence Day in Greek and English


Reflecting upon the National Anniversary of the 25th, the celebration of  Greek Independence, a pivotal event of our Modern Greek History, I wish to share some of my thoughts and reflect on its meaning.

The anniversary of our national palingenesis, like every other national anniversary, should not be limited to the refreshment of our historic memory and proud rhetoric of our ancestors.  National anniversaries should be cause of thought, reflection, and inspiration for the future we are now building.

In 1821, Hellenes with national unanimity, heroism, and determination contended and changed our course of history, surrendering to us a contract for freedom written with their own blood. It is our obligation not only to uphold this covenant but to renew our dedication to the ideals for which they sacrificed their lives. We must strive for our national dignity, non-negotiable for our rightful national issues, and make sacrifices in order to deliver a better future to generations to come.

Greece today not only faces challenges from neighboring nations, but is undergoing the same socio-economic crisis affecting the United States and the entire world.  In an era where technology surpasses mankind, we observe with bewilderment the collapse of the socio-economic structures, the extant cultural trend which evolved two thousand years earlier, as well as the aftermath of the excess exploitation of the environment.

These deadlocks developed because humanity for centuries now has neglected our spiritual evolvement giving priority and value instead to the materialistic interpretation of the world, losing the balance and harmony between spirit and matter.

The urgent issues which we face render us to veer our attention, not only toward our personal pursuits for social and economic growth, but our spiritual evolution. Furthermore, cooperation, teamwork and collaboration are imperative.  Internal isolationism, self interest, fear, and insecurity are poor directors.

Once again I present my thoughts and invitation as Hellenes to readdress our cultural identity through self-awareness as individuals and as national entities, and to redefine that which we historically represent: the embedded values of Hellenism which are democracy, freedom, peace, respect of individual, social and civil rights of all men, solidarity, noble rivalry against antagonism, and the selfless service to fellow-man.  Pre-requisite to all these values is the unconditional love for all mankind and nature of which humanity is an integral part..  Love is the only antidote to fear and insecurity.


Hellenism is the intense love of the cosmos.  It is the cardinal and continuing basis for cosmogony and creation. May we abide by the Delphic mandate, «Öéëßáí öýëáôôå», in other words, «treasure love».