Enjoy Summer Fun Safely:
Health Group Offers Tips
"Bee stings, suburn, boating accidents and an increased risk of food
poisoning can all subtract from the fun."
New York, New York -- May 22, 2008. Summer brings warm sunny days and
opportunities galore for outdoor activities. But bee stings, sunburn,
boating accidents and an increased risk of food poisoning can all subtract
from the fun. To help keep such threats at bay, physicians and scientists
associated with the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) have
updated their list of Health
and Safety Tips for Your Summer Vacation.
Some of their advice includes:
Poison ivy, oak and
sumac are widespread in the United States, and contacting them is a
sure way to ruin a vacation! Know where they're found, how to identify
and avoid them and the itchy blisters they cause.
Tiny deer ticks
that carry Lyme disease are common in some areas-know what they and
their bites look like. If you're walking in a suspect area, wear
protective clothing, use repellent and check yourself and children
carefully to avoid any bites.
"Our goal is not to dissuade anyone from participating in summer
activities," said Dr. Elizabeth Whelan, ACSH president. "We
simply want people to safeguard their fun by taking appropriate
precautions." For more such precautions, see Health
and Safety Tips for Your Summer Vacation.
The American Council on Science and Health is an independent, non-profit
consumer education organization concerned with issues related to food,
nutrition, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle, the environment, and
health. For more information visit http://www.acsh.org
and http://HealthFactsandFears.com.