The American Hellenic Institute Honored for Greek Letters Day by the Three Hierarchs Parish in Brooklyn, New York Nick
Larigakis, Gene Rossides receiving the Greek Letters Day Award at the
Three Hierarchs
Greek Orthodox Church, Brooklyn, NY by the Rev. Arch. Eugene N.
Pappas and His Grace Demetrios Bishop of Xanthos.
Washington, DC — On January 29, 2006, the American Hellenic Institute (AHI) was honored for Greek Letters Day by the Three Hierarchs Parish in Brooklyn, New York. At a ceremony, with 400 guests in attendance, the Reverend Archimandrite Eugene N. Pappas presented the Greek Letters award to the American Hellenic Institute through its President Gene Rossides who was accompanied by AHI Executive Director Nick Larigakis. The award states: “Three Hierarchs Parish recognizes and honors the untiring efforts in support of Greek Letters to defend, preserve and foster Hellenism, its culture and principles by the American Hellenic Institute and its affiliates AHI Public Affairs Committee and the AHI Foundation.” In presenting this award, Reverend Archimandrite Eugene N. Pappas said: “The American Hellenic Institute is being honored for its exemplary and extraordinary service to the Greek American cause here and abroad. Coming to the fore in support, witness and advocacy of Hellenism as the hallmark of the Institute’s modus vivendi and modus operendi, implores our acknowledgment and praise. Far too often as the case reveals, we take our liberties and luxuries of freedom for granted, until we either lose or are denied these hard earned legacies of Hellenic principles. It is to the American Hellenic Institute and its untiring endeavors and efforts to protect, preserve and foster global Hellenism that we are indebted as never before.” Mr. Rossides, in accepting this award stated: “This is a great honor coming from the Three Hierarchs Parish for the American Hellenic Institute and its affiliates the AHI Foundation and the AHI Public Affairs Committee on Greek Letters Day. We look forward to continuing and strengthening our efforts in support of Hellenism.”