Certificate of Attainment in Greek The University of Florida will be a Testing Center for the forthcoming examinations for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek on May 15-16, 2007. The
Certificate of Attainment in Greek is a formal qualification, tested and
awarded by the Greek Language Center (KEG), which operates under the
auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education. This qualification provides
proof of knowledge of the language at one of the 4 levels (A, B, C, D), is
formally recognized by the public sector in Greece, and, at the highest
levels (C and D) allows its holder to work in Greece, and attend a Greek
University. The
examinations will take place in Gainesville, Florida, on May 15-16. For
further information see our website: http://www.classics.ufl.edu/CGS/CAG/GreekCertificate.html or
write to us: Center
for Greek Studies University
of Florida P.O.
Box 117435 Gainesville,
FL 32611-7435 Email:
Dr. K. Kapparis: kapparis@classics.ufl.edu