The strong voice of a great community
February, 2012

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 Toronto -His Excellency Robert Peck, Canada’s Ambassador to Greece, was honoured Tuesday 31 Jan, 2012, at a reception given by the Greek Consul General in Toronto Mr. Dimitrios Azemopoulos, in his house.



His Excellency the Greek Ambassador to Canada, Mr. Eleftherios Angelopoulos, had come from Ottawa specifically to attend this event. Both the Greek Ambassador and Mr. Azemopoulos spoke highly of Mr. Peck, whose wife, by coincidence, is a Greek Canadian from Patra. “I had nothing to do with the fact that Mr. Peck is married to a woman from Patra, where I come from as well” mused the Greek Ambassador of his esteemed colleague. “ Mr. Peck is a personification of the great bond that exists between Canada and Greece, a momentous 70th anniversary of that relationship between our two countries of which we celebrate this year”.



Mr. Azemopoulos spoke of the many qualifications of his guest and placed a request that Mr. Peck do everything within his power to advance the newly initiated efforts by the Greek Canadian University Students Associations to introduce again the Greek language instruction in Canadian Universities, and more specifically in the University of Toronto. “Please accept-he said-this pen as a gift with which I ask you write your letter of support for this worthy cause of Hellenism”.



Representatives of the students associations were present and had conversations with Mr. Peck. “I am very optimistic and hopeful that Greece is capable of escaping-and will- the current crisis it faces, as it has done successfully many times in her glorious past” addressed his audience in impeccable Greek the Canadian Ambassador. “The relationship between our two countries has always been warm and we are now beginning a new era of improved economic and cultural exchange.



As an example, last year, a Canadian company invested over a billion dollars in northern Greece for mining endeavours”.



Along the newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Andromachi Karakatsanis present were all the leaders of the Greek Canadian organizations and other dignitaries who were extremely impressed with what Mr. Peck had to say.


By all accounts it was a very well attended and organized worthy event.