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December, 2008

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 Pension Measures and Economic Advisory Panel Address Market Uncertainty 

     McGuinty Government Taking Action In Challenging Times

     TORONTO, Dec. 16 /CNW/ -


     The McGuinty government is proposing to introduce legislation this spring
to provide pension plans with solvency funding relief - a measure designed to
protect jobs and families during these rapidly changing economic conditions.
     The proposed legislation would allow businesses to spread their solvency
payments over a longer period of time, freeing resources for operations,
including payroll expenses. It would also increase transparency, ensuring that
workers and retirees have clear information about the financial health of
their plans, while protecting benefit security in a number of ways.
     If approved by the legislature, the government's measures would provide
temporary solvency funding relief, through regulations, retroactive to
September 30, 2008. If passed, the eight measures would include:

     -   An extension of solvency amortization periods from five to 10 years
         with the consent of active members or their collective bargaining
         agent and retired plan members
     -   Consolidation of previous funding schedules
     -   Deferral of catch-up payments to provide one year of cash flow relief
     -   Permitting the use of actuarial gains to reduce annual cash payments
         by plan sponsors
     -   Enhanced notice to active and retired plan members
     -   Accelerated funding of benefit improvements
     -   Temporary limitations going-forward on certain contribution holidays
     -   Adoption of the revised Canadian Institute of Actuaries' Standard of
         Practice for Pension Commuted Values for solvency valuations

     Today, the Minster of Finance is also announcing members of an economic
advisory panel from key sectors who have been actively involved in ongoing
discussions regarding the rapidly changing economy. The panel will continue to
offer ideas, analysis and advice in a new forum on ways to strengthen
Ontario's economy.
     The members are: Gordon Cheesbrough, Janet Ecker, Tim Hodgson, David
Leith, Tito Martins, Michael J. Mueller, Lynn Patterson, Jim Stanford and
Douglas Turnbull.


     "By proposing these changes on pensions, we are protecting Ontario jobs
and bringing an element of stability in a time of great economic uncertainty,"
said Finance Minister Dwight Duncan
( "We are proposing action to
strengthen and protect the viability of Ontario's pension system to address
this situation and help ensure that the plans can fulfill their requirements
and meet the needs of their current members and their retirees."
     "I am pleased that Minister Duncan is responding to the current funding
difficulties encountered by Ontario pension plans in the balanced and
transparent spirit of my recent report, A Fine Balance," said Harry Arthurs,
Chair of the Ontario Expert Commission on Pensions.


     -   Ontario regulates 4,100 of the 11,000 defined benefit pension plans
         in Canada, more than any other jurisdiction.
     -   Solvency requirements for pension plans ensure that they are able to
         pay out benefits as promised if the plan terminates. Plans are also
         required to fund according to going concern rules, and those rules
         will continue to be enforced.