The strong voice of a great community
December, 2007

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              Turkey: A Terrorist State

       Turkey doesn’t belong to European Culture and must be Expelled immediately


We are in no way surprised by the ongoing policies of repression and discrimination that this exercised by the Turkish government against the Christian minorities and the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate. After the keeling of the Armenian journalist in 2007, as recently as couple weeks ago the editor of the Greek news paper in Istanbul was assaulted for being not Turkish, while the government of Ankara was watching without taking any action to protect the ethnic journalists, living in an environment of fear and danger for their own life. Turkish repression has been ongoing throughout the twentieth century- from the Genocidal policies of the Young Turks and their successor Mustafa Kemal, the butcher of the Christian minorities of the country and continues up to present day.

As recently as this week for seven days in a row, the Turkish war planes are continuously bombing civilians in North Iraq, keeling thousands of innocent civilian, under the pretence of combating the Kurdish Liberation fitters, an armed group of repressed people fitting the Turkish murderers,  for the right of their people to free expression and national integrity.

We are however, shocked and dismayed by the indifference of the western world, of governments and media alike, to the appalling mistreatment of Turkey’s religious and ethnic minorities and the keeling of so many innocent people by the “the deep government”.

We recall also with great sadness that the infamous pogroms of September 6, 1955, (which succeeded in destroying the Greek presence in Istanbul and the islands of Imbros and Tenedos, occurred during a time when the international conference had taken place in Turkey. As such, the offensive against the Greek minority in Turkey occurred in the open, with the international community fully aware of the violations of human rights and religious freedoms taking place.

Unfortunately, despite present-day abuses and atrocities, Turkey continues to be treated as a respected member of the international community, and its European Candidacy appears u untroubled by its continued assault of all the Christian populations and the international low. Just to tell that only last July, both the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch and also the Armenian Patriarch were targeted in an assassination attempt by retired military officers.

Furthermore despite international pleas to re-open the Greek Orthodox theological Seminary of Halki, it remains closed, thus ensuring the complete extinction of the Patriarchate if not reopened.

 Under the pretension of Ankara’s national interests, the Turkish war planes are continuously bombing Kurdish villages and cities in Northern Iraq, using mostly American supplied arms and ammunition, as the European and international communities watching the crime without any reaction.

For all the above we do believe that it is time for the government of the international communities and special the European to accept their responsibilities and stand up for the protection of the innocent members of the minority groups of Turkey.

We are also urging the Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis to immediately denance this policy of terror of the Turkish state and cancel his visit to Turkey, in protest, scheduled for January 23-25, 2008.

Besides the bombing of the Kurdish territory in Northern Iraq, Turkey continues to occupy since 1974 the small island republic of Cyprus, against the will and the decisions of the international community and the United Nations.

The experience s of the Western world with totalitarian and authoritarian regimes throughout the twentieth century, have left a legacy of protecting minority populations all over the world. Today rather, appears again that mythical strategic considerations (as in the case of Turkey), have condemned minority populations in Turkey and the Turkish occupied Cyprus and North Iraq, to a permanent state of misery.

It is time therefore for the Administrations of the World, the White House, the Government of Canada and the United Nations to put an end to the mistreatment of the minorities in Turkey and the Turkish occupied Cyprus, Armenia, Pontus, the Islands of Imbros and Tenedos and the Kurdish Population of Northern Iraq, which escaped the same treatment from Saddan Hussein, only to continue its misery under the war planes of Turkey.

History proves that Turkey never belonged to Western civilization, for centuries now showed disregard for the rights of its people using a barbaric and murderous mentality.

This is the reason we are appealing to European Community to stop immediately any talks of joining and cut Turkey form any possibility to become its member.

The daily actions of the Turkish administration are proving that this country has nothing in common with the civilized world.

