The strong voice of a great community
December, 2007

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            On November 14th the Honourary Consul of Cyprus, Tasoula Berggren along with the Cyprus Community of British Columbia welcomed the visit to Vancouver of the High Commissioner of Cyprus to Vancouver, H.E. Mr. Andreas Kakouris.

            At noon H.E.Mr.Kakouris was at the Institute of European Studies at the University of British Columbia. There he presented a talk entitled: The Cypriot experience as a new member of the European Union. This was followed by a reception. He then went on to Simon Fraser University where at 3:30pm he presented a talk at the History Department titled: Efforts in Solving the Cyprus Problem.

            In the evening he enjoyed a dinner at the Simpatico Restaurant in Vancouver with members of the Cyprus Community and others.





            National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada members Mr. Thomas Saras and Ms. Sharifa Khan made a quick visit to Vancouver in November to meet with representatives of the Ethnic newspapers and other publications of British Columbia. Thomas Saras is the president of the Council as well as editor-in-chief of Patrides Greek Newspaper, headquartered in Toronto.  Sharifa Khan is the marketing specialist for the Council.

They arrived in Vancouver late in the evening of Nov. 16th. On Saturday, Nov. 17th at the Holiday Inn Select on Hastings Street in Vancouver they met throughout the day with representatives of the Ethnic press and media of British Columbia. The main focus of the visit was to inform the local ethnic media on how to market their publications to government. They explained the criteria and application process for the ethnic publications to qualify for government funded advertisements.

Also discussed during the afternoon was the purpose of the Council and how to get the ethnic media of western Canada more involved so that they can realize their full potential. Each ethnic group might be small but together they can carry a lot of “clout” in shaping the policies of this country.

As this was Mr. Saras’ first visit to Vancouver after the meeting he and Ms. Khan were shown some west coast hospitality by being treated to dinner at the Rodos Kouzina in Port Moody. Mr. Saras hopes to make a lengthier visit to Vancouver, along with Victoria in the future.






            His Eminence Metropolitan Archbishop was again in Vancouver in November, attending to business with the Greek Orthodox communities of the area.  During the visit it was his pleasure to officiate at the ordination to the deaconate of another of the graduates of the Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy.

            The ceremony to accept Michael Michael  into the deaconate was performed at Sts. Nicholas and Dimitrios Orthodox Church in east Vancouver in the evening of Monday, November 12th.

            Michael Michael, who is from Surrey is presently serving as deacon at St. George Cathedral in Vancouver where he will gain valuable experience before being ordained as a priest.

Another former Surrey resident who also is a graduate of the Academy, Rev. Konstantinos Kaltsidis is now serving as priest at the Ypapanti Greek Orthodox Church in Victoria, Vancouver Island.  Rev. Konstantinos Tsolias, the priest at Sts. Constantine & Helen Church in Surrey and Rev. Evangelos Aravantinos at Sts. Nicholas & Dimitrios Church in east Vancouver are also graduates of the Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy.



            The Philoptochos of St. George Cathedral hosted a bazaar at the Hellenic Community Center of Vancouver on Sunday Dec. 9th . The sale was open to the public from 12 noon until 4 pm. Tables were set up around the perimeters of the hall. Some featured “white elephant” sales, others featured books, icons, arts and crafts, as well as a silent auction of various gift baskets. There were also baked goods for sale. A continuous line formed as the volunteer cooks worked hard to keep up with the demand for loukemathes, the popular honey tokens.

            The proceeds of the bazaar go towards the charity work of the Philoptochos Society. A food drive was also launched at St. George Cathedral to benefit the Food Bank of Vancouver.