The strong voice of a great community
December, 2007

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AHIF Hosts 6th Annual Conference on the Future of Hellenism in America

WASHINGTON, DC - The American Hellenic Institute Foundation (AHIF) hosted its Sixth Annual Conference on the Future of Hellenism in America on November 10, 2007, this year in Chicago at the Hilton Chicago Hotel. Held in cooperation with the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation and the World Council of Hellenes Abroad (S.A.E.) U.S.A. Region, each year the conference organizers make a stop in a different U.S. city in order to spread conference ideas and gather input from the local Greek American community on the various challenges facing Hellenism in America. The conference featured prominent speakers from the fields of education, law, academia and the private sector who identified key challenges facing the Greek American community today, as well as opportunities for progress.

To kick-off the weekend's activities and welcome guests, a reception was hosted by Greek America Magazine on Friday evening at the Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center in the heart of Chicago's historic Greektown. Conference attendees returned the next morning for an outstanding line-up of expert panelists, keynote speakers, and a closing roundtable discussion with the audience. The conference covered the following topics:

    • The Now and Future of Greek America (Opening Keynote)

    • The Future of Greek American Organizations (Session A)

    • The Importance of Being Active in the Political Process (Session B)

    • The Changing Face of Greek Americans (Luncheon Presentation)

    • The Image of Hellenism: Hellenic Culture, Religious Identity, and the Media (Session C)

    • Greek Education in America (Session D)

    • A Perspective from Young Greek Americans (Session E)


Also a highlight of the conference was the presentation of the Modern Greek Studies Association's (MGSA) Recognition of Excellence Award by Dan Georgakas to celebrated Greek American novelist and short story writer Harry Mark Petrakis. Throughout his career, Petrakis has written 20 novels and was twice a finalist for the National Book Award in Fiction. He has honorary degrees from the University of Illinois, Roosevelt University, Hellenic College, and Governors State University. In 2006, he received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Indiana University Northwest.

In summarizing the overall mission and role of  AHIF's annual Conference on the Future of Hellenism, AHI Executive Director Nick Larigakis pointed out that, "Eventually, we are leaving a seed behind in each community that we visit with this conference. It's now up to you in your communities to continue and put these ideas and issues to action."

The conference was sponsored by The Behrakis Foundation, and co-sponsored by the Hellenic American National Council (HANC), the Foundation for Hellenic Studies, the Pancretan Association of America and by Greek America Magazine. Other key supporters included John P. Calamos, Sr., conference chairman and chairman and CEO of Calamos Investments, as well as Ted G. Spyropoulos, president of T.G.S. Petroleum and president of SAE/USA's Regional Coordinating Council.

Benefactors who helped make the AHIF's conference possible include: Jimmy and Eleni Bousis (Northbrook, Illinois), Aristide D. Caratzas (Athens, Greece), James and Nike Lagos (Springfield, Ohio), Tom and Tina Lagos (Springfield, Ohio), Jim Pedas (Washington, D.C.), Ted Pedas (Washington, D.C.), Gene Rossides (Washington, D.C.), and Emmanuel E. Velivasakis (New York, New York).