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April 2005

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More accountability at City Hall



Toronto March 31, 2005 Councillor Norm Kelly, Scarborough Agincourt, Ward 40, wants a clearer, more accountable decision making process and a responsible Mayoralty at City Hall, not a more powerful Mayor. That’s why Kelly opposes the recommendations presented by the Council Reference Group at today’s Policy and Finance Committee meeting.


            Among the recommendations that the Council Reference Group presented to the Policy and Finance Committee are recommendations to give the Mayor the power to appoint the Chairs of Standing Committees, special committees and municipal boards. This, according to Councillor Kelly, would further confuse the decision making process at City Hall and make accountability even less clear.


            In Councillor Kelly’s opinion, the goal should be to give Torontonians a more accountable City Hall and that means a clearly outlined executive role for the Mayor and a clearly outlined legislative role for the committees. The Council Reference Groups has, according to Kelly, missed the chance to bring meaningful reform to City Hall. “By continuing to mix the roles of Mayor and Councillors – by converting practice to policy - these recommendations ignore the real challenge before us and serve only to further undermine Councillors’ autonomy”, says Kelly. “They give us a more powerful Mayor, not a more effective City Hall”, he added.


For Kelly, meaningful reform at City Hall starts with streamlining the budget process. He wants to dissolve the Budget Advisory Committee and the position of Budget Chief, and hand the responsibility for presenting the annual budget to the Mayor’s office. “The budget should not be the Chief’s budget. It should not be the Budget Advisory Committee’s budget, or even the Council’s budget. It’s the Mayor’s budget reflecting the Mayor’s priorities.”


Let’s make it official. Let’s praise the Mayor for a good budget and hold his feet to the fire for a bad one